Family Constellations

Family Constellations seeks to identify deeply embedded patterns within the family system and remove those that do not allow your life to flow with ease and prosperity.

A deeply spiritual shamanic approach to family therapy. You will receive a questionnaire prior to your appointment that dives deeply into your family dynamics.

On the day of your session you will begin with a brief meditation and then we use a representative to symbolize each member of the family, past or present and facilitate healing statements to begin shifting the energetic patterns that are repeating themselves.

In a group setting other people will represent for you and members of your family. We never recommend you attend with your own family members as we keep the field clear from biased perspectives.

In a one on one, I use pieces of paper and crystals as representatives. Online I would ask you to have a piece of paper and pen ready You will be drawing where you place people in the field and I will mimic that on my side with the crystals.

These sessions can be done one on one or in a group.

One on One – R980.00 (roughly 90mins)

One on One Sessions available on Zoom as well as in person in Fish Hoek Western Cape.

Group Days.

Constellators – R1200.00

Representatives – R100.00

“Family Constellations transforms the family burdens to blessings. Unconscious love becomes conscious love” Krista Jarrard